Prior to making a purchase, please check the club's account balance to be certain funds are available to cover the expense. Checks will not be written on accounts with insufficient funds. Student Activities/Clubs are not exempt from paying sales tax. Unless an item is purchased for resale, the activity/club should pay all applicable sales tax.
Remember to keep all original itemized receipts and/or invoices; you will need these for reimbursement. Faxed copies, photocopies or emailed copies are not acceptable. Account statements are not the same as an invoice. Payments can not be made based on a credit card statement.
When purchasing an item online, be certain to print a payment confirmation or payment receipt page. An order confirmation is not proof that the item was purchased. If possible, include packing slips with the check request form. Conference registration forms, membership forms and purchase orders/order forms may be used as back up documentation for check requests.
Complete the check request form, attach the invoice/receipt to the form, sign the form and have the club's Faculty Advisor sign. Forms can be found in the main office or in Mrs. V's office.
Log the payment in your club's ledger.
For BHS, please place the completed form and supporting documentation in Mrs. V's mailbox in the BHS Main Office or on her desk in Room 202. For TCMS, please fill out a check request form, attach all supporting documentation and send it to Mrs. V at BHS via interoffice mail.
Checks are written weekly, typically on Wednesdays. Check requests should be submitted by Tuesday at noon. Plan ahead. If a payment is due or a check is needed upon delivery of items (e.g. DJ for the day of the dance), please submit the request in advance. Check requests take multiple days to process so please plan accordingly.
Completed checks will be placed in the Faculty Advisor’s mailbox unless otherwise requested. If you would like the check mailed, please address an envelope and attach it to the check request form.