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The Biology Team

Karen Blodgett
Michael Bonadonna

Honors Living Environment & AP Biology

Patrick Bond
Dr. Geoffrey Gardner

Regents Living Environment

Christopher Law

Regents Living Environment & Energy and Sustainability

Dr. George Smith

AP Environmental Science & AP Biology

Suzanne Wade

Honors & Regents Living Environment

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Regents Living Environment

Living Environment

The BHS Biology Program follows the New York State Living Environment curriculum. The Living Environment Program is designed to integrate the concepts and topics of modern biology relevant to today’s world. Emphasis is placed on current issues such as the environment and technology in society. Topics include ecology, cells, biochemistry, genetics, evolution, and human physiology. Course projects and laboratory work will be a required component of the course. The course culminates with a New York State Living Environment final assessment. The assessment evaluates all areas of student performance including lab skills, communication, skills, data analysis, and interpretation skills. Regents credit will be given for successful completion of the course.

Honors Living Environment

AP Biology

AP Environmental Science