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Academic Eligibility Policy

Academic Eligibility Policy (updated August 2024)

All BHS Students
Students failing two or more courses each quarter will have their OPEN CAMPUS privileges revoked for that quarter or until they show they are passing their courses.

Students will work with their teachers to develop plans for success and keep their counselor/AP informed of that progress. Students may pick up “run around sheets” from the counseling office to show to their teachers and then counselors/administrators. When a student demonstrates that they are passing their courses, OPEN CAMPUS privileges will be reinstated.

Students failing one or more courses each quarter may also be placed in structured “Student Help” during FREE PERIODS until they show progress towards passing their courses.

Students Involved in Athletic and Co-curricular Activities
Brighton believes that student participation in athletic and co-curricular activities is important to the overall growth and development of our students. We also believe that students must be focused on their academic coursework (and passing all of their classes) to be able to participate fully in activities or athletic teams. If students are struggling to meet basic course expectations and/or need additional academic support to maintain passing grades, we will work with students and families to provide additional supports.

The following academic eligibility policy has been updated to be supportive of our students who may be experiencing problems with their academics but also want to continue to participate in their clubs, performing groups, and/or athletic teams.

1. One Failure (Participation):
Student may compete/participate/practice while on the watch list for 3 weeks, or until next report card/progress report, whichever comes first.
• Written notification is sent to parent/guardian.
• The coach, advisor, and/or director meets with the student.
• Students must complete a run-around sheet and submit to coach, advisor, and/or director each week until all classes are passing.
2. Two or More Failures (Limited Participation):
Students are on notice for 2 weeks. Students may participate/practice, but not compete or perform.
• Written notification is sent to parent/guardian.
• The coach, advisor, and/or director meets with the student.
• Students must complete a run-around sheet and submit to coach, advisor, and/or director each week until all classes are passing.
Students must be passing all courses after 2 weeks to return to full participation.
Academic support options will be provided to the students. These support options include but are not limited to, assigning students to a teacher’s student help room, assigning students to teacher before/after school help time, assigning students to meet with teachers during FLEX time, etc.
Consequence for non-compliance (meaning grades for a minimum of one course have not been brought up to passing): Student continues with limited participation for another 3 weeks or until the student shows they have improved performance in ALL courses.

The District is also supportive of teens struggling with any of the following:
• Substance use/abuse (drugs, alcohol, vapes) issues
• Mental, social, emotional, and/or physical health issues
• Addictions to gaming, pornography, phones, smart devices, etc.
We WANT students to proactively report their concerns to a counselor, coach, administrator, advisor, family member, etc. and we will work with them to get the appropriate supports they need to get better. These supports may include school and/or outside resources and referrals. Remember, IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING. We want to help!

We also WANT students and families to feel safe in reporting concerns about friends, teammates, etc. and be reassured that we will work to support those students in a collaborative, educational, and in a restorative manner.
The SAFE SCHOOLS HELPLINE is 1-800-418-6423 ext. 359.

All coaches and co-curricular advisors MUST REVIEW THIS LIST and submit, in writing, the name of any student participating in any activity you supervise to the appropriate administrator:

Mark Kress – Athletics.
Dr. Tracie Glazer – Art/Music/Theater.
Mark Lincoln – Co-Curricular Activities.