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Mission Statement

Mission Statement and Philosophy

  • A. Mission Statement



    We strive to provide the students with a physical education program of excellence. We understand that for students to achieve their full potential for personal development and educational success, They should strive for wellness and vitality throughout their lives.



    B. Physical Education has the following unique implications for our society. We believe…




    1. That the beneficial role of physical activity in disease prevention establishes the importance of physical education in preventative health care in our society.



    2. In a society that has health care costs spiraling out of control, the fostering of healthy lifestyles through physical education is not only logical, but and economic imperative for our society.



    3. As our society becomes older, the quality of life and leisure can be enhanced through the benefits of participation in physical activity.



    C. Furthermore, we believe…




    1. Students should gain knowledge and appreciation of personal fitness and how to attain it.



    2.Physical education is an integral part of the overall curriculum



    3.Through physical activity, students learn an appreciation for individual differences.



    4.The program develops positive self-esteem, appreciation for individual differences.



    5.The program develops positive self-esteem, appropriate social and emotional behavior, self-direction and cooperation.



    D. Each student will be prepared to enter upon post secondary education and/or career-level employment at graduation from high school. Included are:




    1. The interpersonal, organizational, and personal skills needed to work as a group member.



    2.The ability to use the skills of decision-making, problem solving, and resource management.



    3.An understanding of ethical behavior and the importance of values.



    4. The ability to acquire and use the knowledge and skill to manage and lead satisfying personal lives and contribute to the common good.



    E. Each student will develop knowledge, skills and attitudes which will enhance personal life management, promote positive parenting skills, and enable functioning effectively in a democratic society. Included are:




    1. Self-esteem



    2.Ability to maintain physical, mental, and emotional health.



    3.Understanding of the ill effects of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs and of other practices dangerous to health.



    4.Basic skills for living, decision-making, problem solving, and managing personal resources to attain goals.



    5.Understanding of the multiple roles adults assume and the rights and responsibilities of those roles.



    F. Each student will develop a commitment to lifetime learning and constructive use of such learning, with the capacity for undertaking new studies, synthesizing new knowledge and experience with the known, refining the ability to judge, and applying skills needed to take ethical advantage of technological advances.



    9-10 Physical Education Program



    The program continues to develop and refine appropriate skills and sports strategies through a wider exposure to team and individual sports activities.



    11-12 Physical Education Program



    The program will expose students to a wide variety of lifetime activities to create and develop new interests and experiences for each student.



    The program fosters student choice and responsibility in selecting their own physical activity program. Students assess their own strengths, weaknesses, and preferences to guide in their selections.