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Junior/Senior Information

  • Post HS Options

We hope that you will find everything you need to help you with planning, applying and deciding on your pathway after BHS.  This page will be a valued resource for you in your junior and senior years. We will be visiting and navigating this information together in Junior and Senior seminars - so make sure you are there!

As always, schedule a meeting with your School Counselor or Mrs. Stern for help - we are here for you!

Narrowing Your Options

It’s a match to be made, not a prize to be won.

This is your future we’re talking about.  It’s all about FIT, and which opportunity will give YOU the best chance at being successful in life after BHS.  

There are a lot of things to consider as we move past HS.  Here are a few ares to consider when researching your post-secondary options:

  • Academics
  • Finances
  • Location
  • Circumstances
  • Services & Programs

When looking at your options, it helps to organize them into three categories:

Reach (just a few)

  • Options that might be a little out of “reach”
  • Ex- your GPA may be a little below the median, the cost might include personal loans, the location may not be favorable, might struggle academically without supports.

Match (try to find the most within this category)

  • Options that match who you are and what you are looking for
  • Ex- your GPA is in median, the cost is affordable for your family, you are just far enough away, and it offers needed academic/social-emotional supports.

Safety (as many as you want!)

  • Options that exceed what you are looking for, will meet your needs and then some
  • Ex- your GPA is above the median, the cost is affordable/offers scholarships, location is preferable.

Types of Applications

No matter your plans for after HS, it will likely involve an application.  Here are the most commonly used by our BHS students:

    • Submitted directly to the institution/workplace
    • Usually found on the institution/workplace website
    • Common App Website
    • More than 1,000 colleges
    • Most used application by BHS students – one and done!
    • SUNY Application
    • You can use one application to apply to unlimited SUNY schools
    • You will need to self-report your transcript
    • Most SUNY schools are also on the Common App


SUNY FREE APPLICATION WEEKS! October 21 – November 3

Here's what this means for you:

-You may apply up to 5 SUNY schools for FREE!
-Registrar deadline for SUNY ONLY is October 23 (to meet November 1 deadline)  
All other schools are still due October 11th.
-The free application applies to COMMON APP too.

Any questions, just ask!  Stop in Senior Office Hours or see your Counselor.

College Admission Plans & Application Deadlines

Early Decision

- Applications typically due 11/1, 11/15, or 12/1

- Admissions decisions usually returned to students mid-December

**By applying ED, students & parents are signing a contract that they will attend that college if accepted.  If accepted, the student must forfeit their other applications.

Early Action

- Applications typically due 11/1, 11/15, or 12/1

- Admissions decisions usually returned to students mid-December

*There is no obligation to attend if admitted.  Students are able to get their admissions decisions earlier, and can still wait to hear from other institutions before making their final choice.

Regular Decision

- Applications typically due 1/1 through 3/15

- Admissions decisions will be returned to students by 4/1

Rolling Admissions

- Applications are processes as they come in – first in, first out

- Colleges typically take 4-8 weeks to make their admissions decisions

Open Admissions

- Open acceptance of students who complete high school or equivalency

- Typically community colleges only

If an institution has more than one admissions plan/deadline, be sure to choose the one that works best for you.  Consider your personal timelines, fall sports/activities, retaking standardized tests, personal statement and supplemental essays, keeping your options open, etc.

**Be sure to look into SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINES! Some institutions may want you to applier earlier in order to be considered for any scholarships. 

EX – College app due January 1, but apps due December 15 for scholarships.

BHS Application Process


  1. Student completes and submits the application at least 15 school days prior to the APP DEADLINE. **Pay attention to registrar deadlines
  2. Student will need to hand in a Blue Transcript Request form (“Blue Sheet”) to the Registrar’s Office for EVERY college/job/scholarship they applied to (ex- applying to 8 schools, hand in 8 Blue Sheets)
    • Make sure to choose the correct Admissions Plan & write in the right deadline dates on the sheet and in Naviance.
    • Accurately reflect HOW you applied in Naviance (Common App or direct to an institution)
    • List any/all teacher letters to be submitted on each Blue Sheet- MAKE SURE THIS IS ACCURATE



Once a Blue Sheet is handed in, the Registrar/Counseling Office submits the following documents directly to the college/job/scholarship within 15 school days:

  • Transcript
  • Common App/NACAC Forms (School Report, Counselor Eval)
  • Counselor Letter of Rec
  • Teacher(s) Letter(s) of Rec as requested per Blue Sheet

*BHS does not submit standardized test scores.  If you choose to submit test scores to an instiutution, you must request and pay to have them sent directly from the testing agency.  This can be done online: College Board (SAT/AP)  ACT Student (ACT)


Please note:

  • Mid-year grades will be sent to all colleges BEFORE February break
  • Final grades/transcripts will be sent to your matriculating college of choice BEFORE July 4th
  • Common Application
    This is what needs to be completed and submitted by Registrar Deadline!
  • Common Application
    Writing supplements can be submitted AFTER the Registrar Deadline if you need more time, but still needs to be submitted by the college deadline.

Registrar Deadlines

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.

The Registrar's Office needs 15 SCHOOL DAYS to process your application materials to ensure they are submitted by the deadline. This means you need to be ahead of the game and must have your applications submitted at least 15 SCHOOL DAYS prior to the actual application deadline. 

Requesting Letters of Recommendation

Most applications require 1-2 teacher letters of recommendation or references. Think about a couple of teachers who can speak to you as a learner and how you engage in the classroom.  This may not be your best class!  Often, great letters come from classes where you may have needed extra help and persevered through the difficult content.

Your Counselor will automatically write a letter for you, so there is no need to request this!

Here is the process for asking BHS FACULTY & STAFF:


  • Talk to your teacher(s) IN-PERSON spring of Junior year and hand them the BHS LOR Request Form.  *A teacher WILL NOT write a letter without this form. (Forms are in the Counseling Office & Career Center)


  • See instruction sheet below.
  • Once requested, BHS Faculty letters will be written and uploaded to Naviance by OCTOBER 15th.
  • If you have deadlines prior to October, please contact your Counselor or Mrs. Stern ASAP.

Requesting letters from mentors OUTSIDE OF BHS (employers, coaches, advisors, etc):


  • We HIGHLY RECOMMEND asking your mentor in-person and providing them the BHS LOR Request Form.


  • COMMON APP – You can add them as “Other Recommender” (if the college allows other recommendations) and they will be able to submit their letter electronically.  We will go over this in Senior Seminar.
  • OTHER APPS – They will need to MAIL their letter directly to the college/job/scholarship.


*SEE MRS. STERN if you have questions about this.  We can figure out which way works best for each application.

Instant Decision Days

Each fall we partner with phenomenal institutions to offer you Instant Decision Days!

Students will have the chance to meet with an admissions representative and receive instant feedback on their application- most students will be informed of their admissions decision that day!  THIS IS NOT EARLY DECISION – these admissions decisons are not binding, so you still can keep your options open.

We will provide much more detail in Senior Seminar, but below are the general instructions. This is SUCH a great opportunity to learn more about what the college has to offer you and get some early feedback. So, save the dates if you are interested!

If interested, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Sign up using the links below for your 15-min admissions appointment with any of the institutions you are interested in.
  2. It is strongly encouraged to submit your college application prior to the instant decision date but not necessary.
  3. An admissions counselor will review your materials and could provide an admissions decision and estimate of your scholarship package that night! (some colleges may require a few additional days to process materials)
  4. Please note- Geneseo is an ADMISSIONS INTERVIEW ONLY. This will be used as part of your application to be reviewed later. No decision will be made at this time. If interested in Geneseo, we highly recommend taking advantage of this.


A few recommendations:

  • Show up a few minutes early- you don’t want to be late!
  • Wear appropriate attire- no need to dress up, but please look presentable. This is YOUR opportunity to show them who you are other than a name on a piece of paper!
  • Come prepared with questions about the school- we are happy to help you with this.


If you have any questions about these opportunities, please contact Mrs. Stern!

Fall 2024 dates below – SIGN UP TODAY!

Senior Office Hours - Fall Semester

Seniors: Get help on your post-secondary planning with your BHS Counselors this fall.  No need to make an appointment, just drop in when you are free.  Stay for a few minutes or the whole period!

Hope to see you there!

  • Researching your options
  • Support with job and college applications
  • Essay revisions
  • Updating your resume
  • Naviance
  • Whatever else you may need!

Senior Office Hours