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Post High School Options Home

Post High School Options

Your K-12 journey has been pretty laid out for you so far, without much say in which direction you head next.  Until now...


It's time for you to take that first step towards a career, and everyone's pathway is going to be different.  We are here to help you find YOUR OWN path.




  • Breathe.  While thinking of the future and all its possibilities is exciting, it can also be overwhelming.  Take the time to step back and reflect as necessary.
  • Take it one step at a time.  Attend seminars, talk with family, meet with your Counselor, research your options.  Small steps will start to add up to something great.
  • It's time to be a little selfish.  Once you graduate, you are in control of your future and what comes next.  It's time to think about what you want, what will work best for you and NOT about what others may or may not be doing.
  • Stay connected with your School Counselor.  We've supported a lot of students over the years and are here to help.


Check out the sub-pages to explore some of the options our BHS grads have taken, then schedule some time to chat with your School Counselor to start your journey!!

