Parents should email or call the Attendance Office to report a child’s absence. During school hours, you can reach Attendance at 242-5000 x4802. If you call after school hours, you may leave a message. Email can be used during the daytime or after hours. Email your name,the student name, ID # if known, the reason for absence to Brighton_HSAttendance@bcsd.org.
If it is necessary for a student to leave school during the day, a written parental request or phone call must be presented to the attendance office before he/she can be excused. The written request should include the reason for leaving school, the name of the doctor, dentist or person to be seen and the parent’s signature, the time the student is to be excused and the time the student expects to return. When returning to school, the student must sign in.
Additional information pertaining to absences due to educational or instructional programs, religious holidays, tardiness, and truancy can be found in the Student/Parent handbook through the main office.