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All clubs are self-funded, with fundraising being the primary method of generating revenue.

Please follow the guidelines below to initiate a fundraiser:

  1. Please fill out a Clubs/Activities must receive permission from the Chief Faculty Advisor (Ms. Edwards at TCMS or Mr. Lincoln at BHS) to conduct a fundraiser at least two weeks before any items are ordered or any commitments are made. Complete a Fundraising Request Form and submit it to the Chief Faculty Advisor for approval. All fundraisers that are conducted outside of BHS (for example, Five Guys, Chipotle, Double Good, etc.) need BOE approval and must be approved at a Board meeting before the event may occur. These requests need to be submitted six weeks prior to the start date of the fundraiser as they require additional processing time.
  2. If your fundraiser requires a cash box, please contact Mrs. V. at least 3 days in advance. A cash box will be placed in the Main Office safe, unless communicated otherwise. Please include the sale price for the items/tickets and the amount of start up funds needed.
  3. If you are purchasing items for resales (t-shirts, mugs, etc.) you are not required to pay sales tax on the initial purchase. Please request a Resale Certificate from the Central Treasurer.
  4. Please use an Inventory Control Sheet to keep track of inventory sold.



At the conclusion of the fundraiser, please follow the steps below:

  1. Contact the Central Treasurer to count the proceeds from the fundraiser.
  2. Complete a Profit and Loss Statement. Calculate sales tax that was collected:  8% for taxable items, excluding clothing or footwear. See the Central Treasurer (Mrs. V.) for assistance in determining whether or not your deposit is taxable.
  3. Reconcile tickets from a ticketed event using an Admissions Reconciliation Form.
  4. Pay invoices using a check request form.

Club sales are subject to sales tax. The Central Treasurer pays sales tax quarterly for BHS and annually for TCMS. The Central Treasurer will notify the Faculty Advisor of the amount deducted from their account after the sales tax has been filed.


Brighton High School Special Event Information


When ordering tickets for events such as Brighton High School's Junior Prom and Senior Ball, please remember that:

  • tickets for special events should be numbered on both the ticket and ticket stub
  • ticket stubs are retained therefore the ticket stub should be perforated for ease of attaching to an Admissions Reconciliation form
  • tickets can be booklet bound. This will ensure the tickets will remain in numerical order prior to selling




  • attend Executive Student Council’s kickoff meeting.
  • sign up for a cash box. Mrs. V. will send an email to all advisors with instructions on how to obtain a cash box.
  • pick up cash box from Mrs. V. the morning of Springfest.
  • return cash box to Mrs. V. at the end of Springfest.
  • complete a Profit and Loss Statement