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Extended Studies Home

Extended Studies Home

Brighton High School provides many extended learning opportunities both inside and outside the classroom.


Extended Studies Seminars are held once during each six-day cycle. Students meet with the Extended Studies teacher and plan student-directed projects that have included, for example, computer programming, movie making and community service projects. Students may also work on their projects outside the seminar schedule.


Courses of varying levels of difficulty are offered in most subject areas. In addition to Regents classes, students requiring additional challenge may opt for Enriched (ES) and Advanced Placement (AP) classes.


Independent Study is a self-directed learning activity for students with sufficient initiative and persistence to complete a special project. The student works one-to-one with a faculty or community advisor. Independent study offers the opportunity to develop an attitude of curiosity and inquiry, define and solve problems, utilize resourcefulness and refine self-direction.


An internship is a community-based program that allows students to spend a portion of time pursuing a learning program within a community organization or company. This program is available to junior and senior students. Each internship is planned individually based on the needs and interests of the student.


Credit by examination gives students the opportunity to earn up to 6 1/2 units of credit toward a diploma. This option is meant for students who have received equivalent instruction to that offered at Brighton High School. This allows students to take more advanced courses rather than courses they have already mastered through outside training.


Foreign exchange programs with schools in Germany, France and Spain allow students (generally juniors) studying foreign languages to spend two weeks abroad and reciprocate by hosting an exchange student at Brighton High School for two weeks. Students may also earn Brighton High School credit by successfully completing courses in the High School in Israel Program.


Co-curricular Activities offer opportunities for students to extend and enhance their skills and interests in academic subjects, the performing arts, the environment, community service and athletics. Students may choose to participate in local and national competitions, musical groups, interscholastic sports, school governance, and dozens of school clubs.